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How to choose your Newborn photographer

Welcoming a new baby into your family turns the known order upside down. It’s a huge change with even bigger emotions attached. This little human, who all of a sudden became a center of your World will be a newborn for only about 90 days. And it will pass very quickly, especially on the sleep deprived mode. Trust me, I’ve been there twice.

Those first three months may feel like nothing in the scale of human’s life, but this is the beginning for your baby and the revolution for you. Save a piece of it, for them and for you. Take photos. Lot’s of them. Get in the photos too! I’m sure your son or daughter will appreciate cuddly pictures with mummy, when they were a teeny tiny bundle of blankets and love.

You may want to invite a photographer to your house to help you capture those precious moments with beautiful, professional photos. But who to choose? How to decide? Let me share with you 5 tips to help you find the perfect artist for your family:

Look for experience

When it comes to newborn photography, experience matters. Newborns require special care and attention during photo shoots, and an experienced photographer will know how to handle your baby safely and capture stunning photos. Look for a photographer who has experience in maternity and newborn photography, and ask to see their portfolio of previous work. Ask your friends for their photographers details. Just remember, their perfect match doesn’t have to be yours.

Check their portfolio

Before you choose a photographer, take the time to look at their portfolio or instagram and see if their style and aesthetic align with your preferences. Do you like their lighting, editing, and poses? Are their photos sharp and high-quality? A photographer’s portfolio can give you a good idea of what to expect from your own photo shoot, so make sure you’re happy with their style before you book a session.

Read reviews

When you’re considering a photographer, be sure to read reviews from previous clients. This will give you a sense of their level of professionalism, communication, and customer service. Did they make their clients feel comfortable and at ease during the shoot? Did they deliver high-quality photos on time? Positive reviews can help you feel confident in your decision to choose a particular photographer.

Consider the cost

Maternity and newborn photography can be expensive, but it’s worth investing in high-quality photos that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. Before you book a photographer, make sure you understand their pricing structure and what’s included in their packages. You don’t want any surprises or hidden fees, so ask for a clear breakdown of costs upfront. Sometimes photographers offer payment plans or discounts if you book both, maternity and newborn photoshoot with them. Worth to keep in mind.

See if you click

Finally, it’s a good idea to meet with the photographer in person or have a phone call to ask any questions you may have and get to know them. You want to feel comfortable and at ease with the person who will be capturing these special moments for you. At the first days as a new mum you’ll be vulnerable. Check if that person could be your friend for the day, if you could trust them. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

At the very end

Remember – this is your personal decision, there’s no right and wrong. Go with your gut and select someone who will do their best to meet your expectations and will go above and beyond to transfer those fragile emotions into beautiful portraits.

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